The most grandiose event for every man, woman, child, and anyone else, the world's most magnficient spectacle that captures the fervor and attention of the people, the electoral event battle that happens every four years to choose the President of the World: The Presidential War.
After World War III, the Earth faced an unprecedented crisis and was in dire need of strong leadership. The first World President stepped up at that time and discovered a new energy source, determinedly saving the world and laying the foundation for the World Presidential succession system.
In a world where high technology thrives and a thinking computer called the World AI provides what we accept to be the optimal answers, mere tools like intellect, logic, and experimental science have become additive. Humanity uses these tools to progress in fits and starts, guided by their determination.
The most crucial factor in leadership today is having leaders driven by that strong determination.
This is why the President of the World must be chosen based on strength — the strength to do what must be done and boldly lead the world into a greater tomorrow.
Vetted by the World AI and gathered from all corners of the planet, these Runners are unique candidates vying for the World Presidency. Their appearances, ages, nationalities, genders, motivations — everything that makes them different from one another is on display in this campaign. The only things they have in common are fundamental differences and a strong belief that they should rule this world.
With their manifestos blazing, teach and every one of these runners throws themselves headlong into battle to become the next President of the World.