Team up and wreak havoc!

Smash your way to victory!

Rule's simple; Defeat all 3 members of the opposing team.1 match lasts 5-10 minutes.
Punch, shoot, and activate skills strategically to become victorious.

Choose your Runner

Each Runner has unique skills,
weapons, Ultimates, and an individual Finisher move
that allows you to express the latent forbidden urge inside.


Runners each have unique main weapons and fighting styles. Submachine Gun to keep enemies at bay, Shield to nullify projectiles, Sword to get up close and personal. Choose the style that fits you best!


Slash away with a giant photon blade, go trigger happy & shoot countless bullets, crush everything around with a gravity field, and more!
The Ultimates will change the tides of battle (and blow your mind).


Taking down the last opponent activates a finishing blow that fulfills each Runner’s inner urge. Ever wanted to punch someone into space? Now's your chance.


Strike down the last player standing to activate the Finisher move that fulfills desires which cannot be satisfied in real life.
"Punch & blast opponent into outer space", "Slice enemy in half", "Shoot away with multiple guns". It's fun to kill, but also fun to get killed too.


Wreak havoc in the battlefield of the Presidential War. You can smash buildings, taxis, statues of political importance, anything you fancy breaking.

Sub Weapon

A Sub Weapon of your choice can be brought to battle. Shake things up with different Sub Weapons!

Brazen Blaze

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